Why do we need to add contact for business under SahiGST masters?
There are two primary reasons for anyone to add business contacts in SahiGST masters.
a) To pre-fill authorized signatory details when filing returns. PAN number of authorized signatory in case of DSC signing and Aadhaar number in case of eSign is required. If business masters in SahiGST is populated with these details, you won’t need to enter these details manually each time when a return is being filed.
b) In case an organisation has multiple units across different locations with different contacts managing them, assigned contacts can help communication between different personnel managing return filings for a business. This also helps in case of a CA / Client setup where different finance executives from client office can be added as contacts in the business details for ready reference.
To add contact details for each business, we have to click on the Masters from navigation bar.
From list of Business we can see businesses added in SahiGST application.
We've to select a business from the list for which we are going to add contact details.
As soon as we select the business from the list, we will land on overview page of selected Business as shown in the below Image.
To add a contact we will click on the "+ Add Contact" action button.
After we click on "+Add Contact" we will get the following screen
Fill in all the mandatory information, you can identify mandatory information by “*” mark next to the field. After filling the necessary details, click “Save” button.
If Contact Identity is selected then that person is Authorised to File Return using DSC/eSign, then it becomes necessary to provide PAN & AADHAR number.
For a business, there has to be at least one authorized signatory for returns filing to complete. There could also be more than one authorized signatories. An authorized signatory is a person who is authorized to sign the returns for selected business.
Click on Save button to save the contact information for business.