SahiGST allows you to add more users to your account and assign them different roles & permissions. You can also manage access for each user. Let’s look at how this feature works.

Go in Settings > Users > Add User > Roles and Permissions

After filling all the required details for creating a User, you can assign them different roles depending on their responsibilities.

There are three roles:

  • Administrator
  • Maker
  • Checker

1. Administrator

This user can manage:

  • Account details

  • All the businesses and GSTINs

  • Users (add, deactivate, manage access levels)

  • Prepare returns

  • Approve returns

  • File the returns

Basically, Administrator can manage the whole account and have access to all the businesses and GSTINs. For administrator, the Dashboard will appear like: 

2. Maker

User can prepare and file returns for the businesses and GSTINs they have been given access to. However before ‘Maker’ can file a return the same needs to be approved by a ‘Checker’ or ‘Administrator’. Maker can see the details of businesses and GSTINs that they have access to, but cannot edit them.

For Maker, the Dashboard will appear like:

3. Checker

This User can prepare, approve and file the returns for the businesses and GSTINs they have been given access to. Checker can see the details of these businesses and GSTINs but cannot edit them.

For checker the Dashboard will appear like:



If we unchecked the box on "Grant Access to all Businesses and GSTINs" we can restrict the User having access to overall business or GSTINs, and User will only be able to view and manage returns for selected GSTINs or Business for a user. If we leave the box (Grant Access to all Businesses and GSTINs) checked while creating an user, the user will have access to all the businesses and GSTINs which are added in the account currently & in future. User will be able to manage the returns as per the role assigned.


Administrator can change the access and roles of users anytime.


For changing users setting administrator has to click on settings, select a user from a List of Users click on Action button from Option column. Under the Action button admin have option to view, edit, rest password or to deactivate an user account.